A lactation class for modern parents
If you’re feeling nervous about feeding your baby, you’re in the right place.
We’ll take you from confused and anxious to calm and confident when it comes to nursing your little one!

The early weeks of nursing can be HARD.
So many new parents have horror stories to tell about the early days of nursing their baby. From pain, to milk supply issues, to not knowing if they were feeding their baby often enough, it’s easy to feel like there are endless questions and not enough answers.
Add to that the fact that most people don’t really have a good understanding of what nursing a baby actually looks like in real life.
Plus, there is SO. MUCH. INFORMATION out there about the “right way” to feed babies. It’s so hard to know where to start and who to trust, between all the books and blogs and Instagram posts and parenting groups and friends and family…
This is a recipe for disaster. Or at least, frustration, tears, and so much overwhelm during what should be such a special time.
Picture skipping the overwhelm and actually enjoying nursing your little one!
Spending time during pregnancy preparing for nursing your baby is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself and your family.
This course is designed to help you understand your baby in a new way - a way that can transform your early parenting experience so you can get the most out of those special moments with your growing family.
We’re here to help you skip the overwhelm and get right down to what matters: enjoying life with your new baby!
We LOVE supporting growing families!
Photo by Amanda Cagle
We are Marlee and Megan Malone-Franklin, a wife-and-wife team.
Since 2014, we’ve supported well over 300 families as they navigate pregnancy, birth, and all things postpartum and newborn.
As our friends started having kids, we heard story after story about how unprepared parents felt. How it felt like so much slipped through the cracks, and no one seemed to be able to answer their questions.
In 2014, we decided we didn’t want to sit on the sidelines anymore, so we dove into birth work as doulas and educators and started making a difference, one family at a time.
As our practice has grown and developed over the past 7 years, we have seen time and time again that nursing challenges are the #1 complaint for new parents. And most parents face those challenges alone and without any preparation. We’re here to change that.
Our clients rave about how supported they feel when they invite us to be part of their parenting journey.
And now we want to bring that warm, supportive experience to YOU as you prepare to welcome your little one!
This is the lactation preparation you deserve.
Our interactive online program leads you through the most important facets of feeding a newborn, including a lot of information you’ve probably never read or heard anywhere else! And all from the comfort of your couch!
The strategies and perspectives laid out here are the most effective tools we have developed and discovered over the years as we have helped hundreds of families navigate the struggles of feeding their babies.
These tools are based on real strategies that help real people. Remember, this is for PRACTICAL PARENTS! If that’s you, we’ll be a great fit together!
This is a modern approach to breastfeeding / chestfeeding, designed to help you truly understand your baby and their needs, while adapting your nursing relationship to your own special circumstances and desires.
You’ll find out:
How to get nursing off to the best possible start based on your unique situation and goals
The ways parents can accidentally self-sabotage their own milk supply
How to reduce pain and address latch challenges quickly and effectively
Little-known ways to use your baby’s natural reflexes to your advantage
The top 3 things you need to know about pediatricians as a nursing parent
Why you should forget basically everything you’ve heard about bottles
How to stop overwhelm in its tracks and discover practical solutions to your challenges
Here’s what we’ll cover:
Module 1:
Making Milk & Your Baby’s Innate Programming
We’ll start by addressing one of the biggest concerns most parents have: How can I make sure that I’ll have enough milk for my baby?
Learn how our bodies make milk so you can build a healthy milk supply (and feel free to ignore all the misguided advice out there!)
Understand your baby’s in-born reflexes so you and your baby can work together smoothly as a team
Module 2:
Putting Your Baby’s Programming to Work
Understand how babies are physically designed to latch
Learn how to help your baby develop a great latch
How to avoid common pitfalls that lead to pain and complications
Module 3:
Caring for Your Lactating Body
Understand what your body needs to stay healthy while feeding your little one
Myth-busting about what you can/can’t/should/shouldn’t eat when you’re nursing
Tips for nursing after cesarean birth
The best ways to deal with common challenges like engorgement and plugged ducts
Module 4:
Helpful Gadgets, Tools, & Technology
Take advantage of modern equipment to make your nursing life easier and address your unique needs
The supplies and equipment you REALLY need to feed your baby
Tips and tricks for making pumping work best in different scenarios
Total Value:
Enroll today for only $147!
“Marlee and Megan make everything so clear! I swear I’ve read so much about nursing, but every time they explain something it’s like the light bulb finally turns on.” - Rosy
“WOW! My partner and I have only completed one module so far and we can’t believe how much we’ve learned already! This is a really special class, can’t wait to keep going through the rest of it.” - Sam
“I’ve heard so many stories from my sisters about how hard breastfeeding is. With all this new information, I understand a lot better why they struggled. I wasn’t sure I wanted to try breastfeeding because of everything they told me, but now I feel like I can do this!” - Soo-jin
Is this a basic, bare bones lactation class?
Not at all. This is the perfect class for you if you want to go beyond the basics. So many parents are seeking more comprehensive information on this topic which can be really hard to find. We’re here to fill that gap!
I had a hard time nursing with a previous baby, but I want to try again this time. Is this class a good fit for me?
You’ll likely be familiar with some of the concepts we cover, but if you don’t mind some “refresher” material, we’re confident there will be plenty of new information for you!
I’m not sure if I want to exclusively nurse my baby. Can I still take this class?
Yes, definitely! We talk a lot about making nursing work for your own situation and goals. We offer guidance for mixed feeding with expressed milk for people who need or prefer to do a lot of pumping, and formula for families who want to combination feed.
If I know I want to use some formula, will I feel shamed by this course?
We certainly hope not! We’ve worked with many families where formula is needed and/or desired. We’ll help you understand a bit more about the difference between human milk and formula, and how you can best implement a combination of foods for your baby. No formula shaming here!
Does this course use gender-inclusive language?
YES! We love offering inclusive lactation support because it’s VERY lacking out there in the big wide world. (If you’ve made your way here, likely you’ve already noticed that!) Since we can’t customize the course language for each person individually, there may be some anatomical terms that don’t feel comfortable for you. But we’ve done our best to make this feel welcoming and accessible for trans and gender non-conforming folks. (And one of your course authors is nonbinary!)
Is this a video course?
Yes, each lesson is presented in video format. Video transcripts and slides are included, as well as links to outside resources if you want to keep exploring the topics we cover.
Can I move at my own pace?
Yes, this is a self-paced course you can take at your convenience.
Will I always have access to the course?
Yes. And you’re welcome to download the additional materials as you go along as well.
How much time should I set aside to complete the course?
There are over 5 hours of content, so it depends on how you prefer to go through the course. Some people like to treat this course as a workshop and complete it during a concentrated period of time, like over a weekend. Other people prefer to move through the lessons little by little, spreading the course out over several weeks so they can absorb it better. It’s up to you and however you learn best!
Why spend 5 hours learning about all of this when most hospital breastfeeding classes are under 2 hours?
Many parents spend thousands of hours nursing their babies. There is so much to learn when it comes to the big topic of nourishing a new life. Often lactation classes that are only an hour or two long have to oversimplify things and make important, nuanced aspects of this topic into black and white statements to pack in as much info as possible. This often results in miscommunications and misunderstandings that cause confusion when parents are trying to figure things out after their baby is born.
We want to avoid that, so we’re giving this important, nuanced topic the time we feel it deserves.
My birth class talked about feeding newborns, but I think I want more information. Could I still take this class?
Yes, you’re very welcome here! Many of our clients feel it’s important to take a thorough lactation course as well as a thorough birth preparation class. They are really two separate (and very BIG) topics1
If you’re still on the fence, please know…
You’re worth it. Your baby is worth it. Your family is worth it.
Compassionate, meaningful preparation ahead of time is one of the best ways to improve your postpartum and early parenting experience. Many parents find that feeling overwhelmed by feeding challenges contributes to mental health issues.
We have designed this course to guide you gently through the concepts that we have seen make a huge, positive difference for frustrated new parents, time and time again.
We want YOU to be armed with this important knowledge ahead of time!
Envision yourself holding your little one close and taking in every adorable detail. You’re so proud that nursing is going beautifully, and so relieved that you can just enjoy this special moment with your brand new tiny human. You’re radiating peace.
Ready to make that vision a reality?